While new knowledge can advance health equity, adults with intellectual disability are frequently excluded from being direct respondents in research. Their inclusion requires addressing scientific and ethical challenges that contribute to their exclusion.#We describe our multi-phased process, inclusive of ...
While learning disabilities are often associated with childhood challenges, these conditions can have far-reaching impacts far beyond the early classroom. The reality is that many adults continue to cope with the difficulties of LDs — while also balancing the demands of work and family li...
"Now I Know I Can Make a Difference": Generativity and Activity Engagement as Predictors of Meaning Making in Adolescents and Emerging Adults This study examined generativity (concern for future generations as a legacy of the self) and activity engagement as predictors of meaning making in young ...
We won't track your information when you visit our site. But in order to comply with your preferences, we'll have to use just one tiny cookie so that you're not asked to make this choice again. AcceptDecline Explainers all explainers ...
► Hand washing in people with developmental disabilities has fostered little research. ► A treatment package fostered good pre-lunch hand washing in young adults with developmental disabilities. ► Glo Germ, a commercial product, was useful in providing feedback to participants and in measuring...
stroke subjects with moderate to severe disabilities and their compliance with swallowing instructions may have been additional sources of variability. These considerations place some uncertainty around our results which overall did not show a significant difference between groups for our primary efficacy ...
From expectations about how a child should behave to judgments about what adults are capable of, these perceptions can create unintentional barriers for those with invisible disabilities. Join us as we explore how our interactions and assumptions affect others and discuss what it might look like to...
"It's an amazing organisation that provides various training services for adults with learning disability," explains Ben. "For example they provide training in things like woodwork that run as professional business, so people go and they train and they produce furniture. "They also have a card...
Rather than going to a “place” and performing a “task”, our participants join a small group made up of four to six young adults with disabilities, a facilitator, and one to two volunteers who share similar interests. We believe friendships foster trust and inspire our participants to take...
Open design pedagogy: Revealing openness in early childhood education with digital technology Today, more than any other period in time, digital fluency is regarded as a necessary life skill for both children and adults. The potential of digital too... J Brinck,T Leinonen,L Lipponen,... - ...