FOSTER我们提供11个零售办公室,配有散装工厂和仓库,为丙烷工业、家庭取暖用油、各种等级的汽油、柴油、润滑剂、独立加油站业主、码头和建筑承包商提供服务。我们在密歇根州经营着13家太平洋骄傲店和34家日出便利店。 产品规格 /库存: 产品特点 暂无关联图书 ...
Foster Flextra Sealant is an off-white, one component, elastomer based product used as a vapour barrier sealant in the joints of cellular glass and urethane foam board stock insulations.It remains soft and flexible, preventing damage to the insulation due to thermal cycling through a wide range ...
FOSTER FLEXTRA Sealant is used as a vapor barrier sealant in the joints of cell glass, PIR, 聚氨酯 & phenolic foam board stock insulations.