check medical providers’ information to verify the number of deaf kids in the system and look for communication barriers in homes where deaf kids were placed. DFPS also said it would train staff on deafness. But the foster parents left without feeling like these were long-term solution...
(1994). Foster parents of children with special medical care needs: Their char- acteristics and reasons for involvement. Community Alternatives, 6, 57-73.Stromberg, A. H. (1994) Foster parents of children with special medical care needs: Their characteristics and reasons for involv...
The Corrupt Foster Care and Adoption System: Why Aren’t More Foster and Adoptive Parents Speaking Out? For years now, Health Impact News, via their website, has exposed the child welfare system in the United States, which encompasses foster care and adoption services, as a...
We don’t become adoptive parents for any ones benefit other than our child’s. But when you see something that’s a little different, be slow to judge. There’s a good chance you don’t know the whole story. reply to comment Elizabeth Thank you for the letter, I’m a single ...
foster care bill of rights michigan. To receive medical, dental, vision, and mental health services. (2) Freedom from discrimination because of race, color, religion, disability, national origin, age or gender. To not be locked in any room, building, or facility premises, unless placed in ...
This medical sub-specialty of “pediatrics” is thoroughly corrupt, and responsible for incarcerating literally tens of thousands of innocent parents over false allegations of abuse. We have written many articles exposing this corrupt profession in the medical system, and have written an ...
Without foster parents opening up their home to these animals in desperate need of comfort and security our capacity to provide care for them would be severely compromised. Becoming a foster parent means you are becoming an integral part of our organization, and are helping to save the lives of...
poor housing, and attitudes of child welfare workers who may question placement in homes where the “unfit” parent was raised, all may contribute to the preference for avoidance of formal status on the part of some informal kinship foster parents (Lorkovich, Piccola, Groza, Brindo, & Marks,...
We believe that children belong with their own families.However, we also believe that when protective investigations by the Florida DCF and its agencies reveal that children are at high risk of neglect, child sex abuse or physical abuse by their parents, they must be placed with suitable relativ...
Physicians or psychiatric nurses prescribing medication must complete a medical report and attempt to obtain consent from the child's parent or legal guardian. When parents cannot be reached or their parental rights have been terminated, the foster care agency must submit the medical report to a co...