Every year, child welfare agencies across the country are increasing their emphasis on kinship care, a form of foster care that gives placement preference to relative caregivers instead of traditional foster parents who are strangers to the children placed with them. Widely recognized as the better ...
That’s why foster care agencies throughout the country hold meetings where former and current foster, adoptive and kinship parents can share their experiences and offer an understanding ear and comforting shoulder. In St. Cloud, Minnesota, Family TIES (Training, Information, Encouragement and Support...
DV - Our information on what was said in that meeting comes from well placed sources in various law enforcement agencies. We emphasize - there may be evidence to the contrary not available to us or different conclusions may be drawn. And a reminder - in law and in fairness, all people ar...
"I had been called out that night to an urgent case in the village, and on my way home at daybreak passed by the cottage. The door stood open. My man helped me to carry him in. We laid him on the couch. The lamp smoked, the fire was out, the chill of the stormy night oozed...
Societies 2017, 7, 37; doi:10.3390/soc7040037 www.mdpi.com/journal/societies Societies 2017, 7, 37 2 of 14 results from the relative ignorance of foster care in Portuguese society, either by the absence of its promotion by the public agencies or by the civil society, or the lack of ...
Trend data are routinely produced by foster care agencies. We contend, however, that these data, which tend to be annualized, remove operationally useful information from conversations about how systems work and why we see the population changes we see. We want to add that lost information back...