That’s why foster care agencies throughout the country hold meetings where former and current foster, adoptive and kinship parents can share their experiences and offer an understanding ear and comforting shoulder. In St. Cloud, Minnesota, Family TIES (Training, Information, Encouragement and Support...
That’s why foster care agencies throughout the country hold meetings where former and current foster, adoptive and kinship parents can share their experiences and offer an understanding ear and comforting shoulder. In St. Cloud, Minnesota, Family TIES (Training, Information, Encouragement and Support...
Johnson Foundation (WSJF) and Stuart Foundation have been in the forefront of efforts to replicate successful models of campus support programs for former foster youth at public institutions of higher education in the Bay Area and Northern California. This paper was commissioned to help the funders ...
another; however, this can be challenging to achieve. Agencies have identified that staff turnover, complex decision-making (e.g., determining which agency will pay for the cost of transporting children to school), and limited resources create barriers to collaborating and implementing these policies...