The meaning of FOSTER CARE is a situation in which for a period of time a child lives with and is cared for by a foster parent. How to use foster care in a sentence.
nurture是喂养: care for andnurturea baby. 照料并喂养一个婴儿 此外,nurture还有“教育教学”的意思: nurturekids in clean, colorful rooms with the latest books and learning gadgets. 在干净的彩色房间里,用尽量少的书和学习用工具(电脑、iPad、什么的)给孩子们上课。 来源: Nurture Definition & Meaning -...
before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1 Verb 15th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1 Time Traveler The first known use of foster was before the 12th century See more words from the same century Phrases Containing foster foster brother/sister foster care foster...
We know how much time and care you put into designing your bedroom, so we put the same time and care into designing our mattresses. Ensuring the timeless design of your bed will last for years to come. Craftmanship Hand-Layered Luxury ...
Foster caregiver" has the same meaning as in section 5103.02 of the Revised Code. In the first part (Section 2), the hybrid model for Byzantine faults and crashes with recovery is introduced. Fostering support:Foster caregiversupport and parenting and relationship outcomes.Richardson, E. ...
Warrant Lyrics & Meanings: I've been judged, I've been a bug unknown / I know all about it but my heart is strong / / I've been away, been running to save my head / Yeah the warrant's out and I'm almost dead / I won't say what I've already said / / Got
它是以下詞彙的假定來源/其存在的證據由以下提供:希臘語 pateisthai “餵養”; 拉丁語 pabulum “食物,飼料”, panis “麪包”, pasci “餵養”, pascare “放牧,餵養”, pastor “牧羊人”,字面意思爲“餵養者”; 阿維斯塔語 pitu- “食物”; 古教會斯拉夫語 pasti “餵養牲畜,放牧”; 俄語 pishcha...
Ombú has a 1.0 Planet Ecological Footprint, meaning its carbon emissions will be absorbed by the current capacity of the earth. This achieves the balance of sources and sinks required by the Paris Agreement, with its environmental impact compatible with the original +2°C target. ...
The meaning of names Throughout Grace & Lavender, we see that Colleen Hill places a lot of value on having a good name—a name that has meaning. That makes her the perfect person to explain to Grace what her name really means. But it’s both Colleen and her daughter Melody who are ...
The meaning of FOSTER is having, relating to, or being the relationship between a foster parent and the child who the foster parent cares for. How to use foster in a sentence.