The multiple Olympic champion gymnast attended the Los Angeles premiere of the second installment of her Netflix documentary In a year that saw her win three more Olympic golds and a silver at the Paris Games,Simone Bilesattended the Los Angeles premiere of the second part of her Netflix docum...
The pickup, which will be revealed this morning by Netflix Chief Content Officer Bela Bajaria, comes with a showrunner change on the breakout series, created and executive produced by Erin Foster who remains its creative voice.Girls alums Jenni Konner and Bruce Eric Kaplan have come on board ...
The new documentary,David Foster: Off the Record, released recently on Netflix, delves deep into each phase of his career. What begins as a standard hagiography, tracing Foster's career from the Great White North to the Sunset Strip, deepens as it unspools, telling some of the stories behin...
I don’t care about what happens to them because there’s nothing to care about. Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania is better than a random shoot’em up you’ll stream from Netflix, but that was known before the film was made. If you want some action, it’s fine. But I want ...
Jumping in with both feet, she produced and directed a short documentary on the history of the town she was living in. That documentary brought her to the attention of a local charitable organization that hired her to document their annual parade and diversity celebration. She went on to work...
Nyad breathes with an increasing vitality the closer Diana gets to the Florida coast, recalling the intensity the directing duo brought to their Thai cave rescue documentary The Rescue. The camera never shies away from her cracked lips or inflamed skin when she's spent hours in the seawater, ...
'David Foster: Off The Record' premieres July 1 on Netflix. Celine Dion will never forget the first time she sang for David Foster. Amid decades of memorable moments, Dion's first meeting with Foster, "one of the greatest producers of all time," sticks out. For Fos...
The pickup, which will be revealed this morning by Netflix Chief Content Officer Bela Bajaria, comes with a showrunner change on the breakout series, created and executive produced by Erin Foster who remains its creative voice.Girls alums Jenni Konner and Bruce Eric Kaplan have come on board ...