aThe right approach is to foster a flexible, market –based system in which consumers have rights, responsibilities, and choices. Healthcare systems do not work if patients are treated as passive recipients of services: they do mark if consumers are well-informed about quality, costs, and new ...
程高棒球社是個充滿問題的團隊,小南當了經理之後,因為不知道怎麼當經理,就用「manager」和「management」這個關鍵字去書店找書,誤打誤撞買到美國管理學大師Peter Drucker的《管理》Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices,接著就把書中的理念和實務運用到球隊的經營,以一圓把這個亂七八糟的隊伍帶進甲子園的...
Foster carers whose partner has previously been part of the control arm (i.e. usual care) of the study may participate in a later stage of the trial, as long as their partner has completed their involvement with the study, and they are able to complete all measures in relation to a dif...
“Before, we were trying to keep kids from getting hurt…. We put them in a room and made sure nothing happened to them,” Mike Watson, an executive for a Florida foster care agency,said of previous foster care standards. “We don’t want supervisors. We want people to parent. We had...