So, in continued partnership with my father, I introduce you to my Adoption & Foster Care page. Here you will find valuable information to help you adopt, place a child, and foster children, from other women who have been there.Who better to learn from, than women who treasure their ado...
Many children in foster care that are waiting for adoption are sibling sets. Byadopting siblings from foster care, Jeremy and his wife, Sarah, ensured that three brothers would not be separated from each other. My wife, Sarah, and I have talked about adoption for the 26 years we have been...
"widows" and "orphans" today as defined and practiced in the United States in one sentence: Grab the "orphans" and turn them over to the Government's lucrative child trafficking system called "foster care" and "adoption" and let the widows fend for themselves after they lose their children...
The background literature outlines the positive impact that life story work can have for children in care, although there is little published research to support these claims. Gillian Shotton explores the experience of foster/adoptive carers in carrying out collaborative memory work with children using...
The need for foster care adoption is growing rapidly due to increased methamphetamine use across the US. 10 years ago, most kids removed from their biological families were school aged kids. It was in school that teachers would notice the abuse and neglect. Now more babies are born addicted ...
When I was 16 years old and in foster care(寄养中心) in Tennessee, I wanted a family very much. I askedfor the help of ajudge even the commissioner of the Department of Children's Services, and was adopted just aweek before my 18th birthday.We have a lot to be grateful for and ...
When I was 16 years old and in foster care(寄养中心)in Tennessee,I wanted a family very much.I asked for the help of a judge,even the commissioner of the Department of Children’s Services,and was adopted(收养)just a week before my 18th birthday. We have a lot to be grateful for ...
When I was 16years old and in foster care(非亲代养)in Tennessee, people told me I wasunadoptable. But I desperately wanted a family . I sought the help of a judge, even thecommissioner of the Department of Children's Services and was adopted just a week before my18th birthday.We have...
Foster Care "I started to examine my life in light of data [about foster care children]–tried to understand why my experience was so exceptional–and concluded that it was because I had an exceptional foster family who deeply loved my birth mother and my siblings." Adoption “The permanence...
When I was 16years old and in foster care (非亲代养)in Tennessee,people told me I was unadoptable.But I desperately wanted a family.I sought the help of a judge,even the commissioner of the Department of Children's Services,and was adopted just a week before my 18th birthday.We have ...