or support from, a caregiver,” says Jessica Hayden, LSW, social work supervisor at the Support Center for Child Advocates in Philadelphia. “Without this safety net—and without the system to provide
Of the 24 private agencies in Philadelphia's foster care network, Catholic Social Services is the only one that would deny applications from same-sex couples as a matter of faith. Roberts wrote that the city's policy infringes on First Amendment religious rights because it is not "gen...
In the case of foster parents, who better to understand the complicated foster care system, the unique needs of the children and the emotional roller coaster of parenting them than those who have been through it themselves. That’s why foster care agencies throughout the country hold meetings ...
slawwhichstates:"Nopersoneligibletoadoptunderthisstatutemay adoptifthatpersonisahomosexual."TitleIV,Chapter63,Article63.042:Whomaybeadopted;whomayadopt.3 NRCFCPPInformationPacket:Gay&LesbianFosterCareandAdoption 3 1WrittenbyGloriaHochman,MadyProwler,andAnnaHustonoftheNationalAdoptionCenterin Philadelphia,...
Catholic Social Services is one of 30 foster agencies that contracts with the city of Philadelphia. But after the article was published, the city stopped making foster care referrals to the agency, saying at the time the agency violated an anti-discrimination ordinance and warning it would n...
foster care system are prescribed risky psychotropic medications at high rates. In response, state child welfare agencies have developed policies, yet there is little research to inform patient-centered care (PCC) approaches. To fill this gap, we aimed to identify (1) the perspectives of youth ...
Alva Foster & Moscow, LLC is a top Philadelphia law firm with dedicated criminal defense lawyers and personal injury attorneys. Make an appointment today!
At the federal level, the Department of Health and Human Service’s Children’s Bureau isasking welfare agenciesto ensure that foster children in college have a stable place to stay as long as on-campus dormitories remain closed. The bureauis also urgingattorneys and court officials to use tech...
(2020) examined hospital data of children who had an encounter at a Philadelphia-based pediatric health system within a single period, with a total of 1,156 youth in foster care. On the other hand, Kaferly et al. (2022) used linked child welfare and Medicaid data from the State of ...
manyLGBTQyouthare removedfromtheirhomesorfoundtobe"throwaways"bychildprotectionagenciesandplaced inthefostercaresystem. 6 •Inaddition,manyLGBTyouth—26%accordingtoonestudy—areforcedtoleavetheir familiesoforiginasaresultofconflictswiththeirparentsregardingtheirsexualorientationor genderidentity. 7 •SomeLGBTQ...