Dinosaur skull fossil 恐龍頭骨化石 Early Cretaceous (100 million years old) Central Asia 5.5" Long (SOLD) 白堊紀早期 (一億年前) 亞洲中部 長5.5吋,鸚鵡嘴龍頭骨化石,小型角龍類恐龍,保存非常完整,並無破損 E134 Hadrosaur humerus bone fossil
When you click on links to various merchants on this site and make a purchase, this can result in this site earning a commission. Affiliate programs and affiliations include, but are not limited to, the eBay Partner Network. FOSSIL DINOSAUR TRICERATOPS SKULL 1/10 SCALE RESIN MODEL: $41.00 Re...
Beautiful skull. Price: USD$393 年代: 三疊紀 (二億二千萬年前) 產地: 東亞地區 尺寸: 岩石16 x 14厘米, 魚17.5厘米 龍魚屬於原始的輻鰭魚類,身體細長,尖嘴帶有利齒,保存十分完整,頭骨細節清晰 價格:港幣2990 (USD$393) A86 Lizard fish fossil (Fish inside fish)- Saurichthys 龍魚化石(大魚吃小魚...
" adding that the specimen has a 15-foot-long body, 21-inch skull and serrated teeth. The fossil, which is believed to be 68 million years old, wasreportedlylisted by professional fossil hunter Alan Detrich.
Animal Index » Hit animal index on left . Selling Great Quality Personal Collection Reasonably. New Rare Torosaurus Nose Horn . Added Amazing huge saber cats recently. SPECIALIZE to all High End Fossil Collectors looking for One-of Kind (Mostly Skulls).Megaloceros(Giant Deer ) Skull w Unbeliev...
Animal Index » Hit animal index on left . Added Feb5th Pachy dome, Large TREX tooth , Steg spike , Wooly Mammoth tusk Added Amazing huge saber cats recently also. SPECIALIZE to all High End Fossil Collectors looking for One-of Kind (Mostly Skulls).Megaloceros(Giant Deer ) Skull w Unbeli...
Osborn explained that the name was given due to the close proximity of the skull ofOviraptorto the nest (it was separated from the eggs by only four inches of sand). However, Osborn also suggested that the nameOviraptor"may entirely mislead us as to its feeding habits and belie its charact...
It’s skull could reach up to 3 feet in length with backwardly curving teeth. It could open its jaw very wide and it has been theorized that it used it’s upper jaw like a hatchet to attach prey. The Allosaurus was designated the Utah State Fossil in 1988. Vermont State Fossil ...
Lambeosaurinae and Saurolophinae bones and teeth that are hard to distinguish by diggers or the average collector. Also if there are multiple Lambeosaurinae in that deposit, identification to a specific species will be difficult without a skull. However, identification to...
Lance Formation Wyoming, USA 1.5" - 4" Long, sections of dinosaur bone, include skull and frill parts (Email to inquire)白堊紀晚期 (七千萬年前) 美國-懷俄明州 長1.5至4吋,恐龍骨碎片化石,包含頭骨及三角龍的頭盾 (請電節查詢) E92 Dinosaur Bone fossil (Petrified) ...