It had a small, spiky crest in front of its eyes, which may have been used in headbutting contests between males during the breeding season. Nebraska State Fossil Fossil: Woolly Mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) Age: Pleistocene Year Designated: 1967 The mammoth was adopted as the Nebraska ...
Woolly mammoths are extinct relatives of today's elephants during the ice age. This molar is complete with full chewing surface. (SOLD) 年代: 更新世 (二萬五千年前) 產地: 歐洲北海 尺寸: 13厘米 已滅絕的長毛象是現代大象的近親,曾經生活於冰河時期,保存完整的長毛象臼齒化石 F24 Woolly mammoth mola...
Providing high-quality mineral rocks and affordable fossils for sale and educational materials for collectors, teachers, and students of all ages.
The proboscidean family Elephantidae has an extensive fossil record in Greece that spans geochronologically from the latest Pliocene to the Late Pleistocene. Five continental species are recognised, four of which are classified in the genus Mammuthus and
Fossils are formed when preserved remains reach the age of 10,000 years. From the Archaeaean Eon (approximately 4 billion years ago) until the Holocene Epoch, fossils have been discovered (which continues today). Woolly mammoth teeth are one of the most "recently discovered" fossils. Some of...
N., 2013. New findings of unique preserved fossil mammals in the permafrost of Yakutia. Doklady Biological Sciences 452, 291-295. Kharlamova, A., Saveliev, S., Boeskorov, G., Ushakov, V., Maschenko, E., 2013. Preliminary analyses of brain gross morphology of the woolly mammoth, ...
Great Wall of China Fragment Ancient Greek Pottery Coin from the Roman Empire (c. 300 AD) Pompeii Ash Egyptian Mummy Linen (c. 100 BCE) Woolly Mammoth Hair Mini Shark Tooth Fossil Megaolodon Tooth Petrified Wood from Antarctica Insect Embedded in Amber Ankylosaurus Armor Tyrannosaurus R...
Alan Stout is a long-time collector of fossils from dinosaurs to mammals. Purchase from his fossil collection which includes, dinosaur fossils, mammal fossil, raptor claws, t-rex claw, invertebrate fossil, woolly mammoth tusks, raptor bones, triceratops
Alan Stout is a long-time collector of fossils from dinosaurs to mammals. Purchase from his fossil collection which includes, dinosaur fossils, mammal fossil, raptor claws, t-rex claw, invertebrate fossil, woolly mammoth tusks, raptor bones, triceratops
A fossil reveals how a now-extinct species of dugong was swimming in the sea about 15 million years ago when it was preyed upon by a crocodile and a tiger shark.