C.Togainmoneytostartamuseum.D.Toearnmoneytosupportherfamily.(2)WhichofthefollowingistrueaboutMaryAnning? ___A.Shepublishedseveralscientificarticlesinherlifetime.B.Shewasnearlykilledbyarockfallnearthebeach.C.ShewasamemberoftheLondonGeologicalSociety.D.Thebeachnearherhomeisnamedafterher.(3)Whatistrueabou...
And, of course, my favourite isn't the holotype (which is on display at the London Museum of Natural History - I have a photo of me with it somewhere!), but of course, the exquisitely preserved Berlin specimen: This one is just... Stunning. It has preserved imprints of the feathers,...
preserve an old house as a museum 保存一幢老房子用作陈列馆 preserve sb.’s right to do sth. 保留某人对某事物的权利 Few of his early poems are preserved. 他早期的诗没有几首留存下来。 recount:详细叙述,描述,说明(to tell someone a story or describe a series of events), 例如: recount a...
is a free museum supported via donations. It's a first rate operation. The 12 minute show about how the fossils came to be where they are was very impressive. I learned things that surprised me greatly. The two people I met working the museum were absolutely marvelous - Judy...
Join us at the Hand of Man Museum near Duncan, BC. open 10AM to 5PM. $20 fee at the door. Call Dan or Betty to confirm. Sun, April 9, 2023 — VIPS Fossil Field Trip — Hornby Island VIPS Fossil Field Trip to visit the 72 million-year-old sediments at Collishaw Point on the no...
go for a visit to a museum =visit a museum. 参观博物馆 be interested in=have/take interested in 对 感兴趣 must be 一定是 can be 可能是 should be 应该是 In the 1920s=in the 1920’s 在 20 世纪 20 年代 In her forties 在她 40 多岁时 So=that is to say 这么说来 ...
In 1964, when I was at the Museum for some months, I put aside what seemed to be all the lots that Orbigny had credited to ... A. Keen - 《Veliger》 被引量: 3发表: 1966年 Study of the current vegetation of the historical lava flows of the Arafo Volcano, Tenerife, Canary Islands...
A life devoted to fossil vertebrates and the collections of the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin – Wolf-Dieter Heinrich: Contributions to palaeontology 2007, Fossil Record Refugial origins of reindeer (Rangifer tarandus L.) inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences 2003, Evolution Microscopic in...
Lesson 1 Finding fossil man 发现化⽯⼈ We can read of things that happened 5,000 years ago in the Near East, where people first learned to write. But there are some parts of the world where even now people cannot write. The only way that they can preserve their history is ...
You can spend time browsing the exhibits at Pikes Peak Historical Society Museum during your trip to Florissant. Discover the mountain views in this romantic area, or seek out the hiking trails. Pikes Peak Historical Society MuseumBest Lodging Options Near Florissant Fossil Beds National Monu...