Working with your hands is seen as almost a mark of inferiority.Schools in the family of vocationaleducation“have that stereotype..that it’s for kids who can’t make it academically,”he says. On one hand,that viewpoint is a logical product of America’s evolution.Manufacturing is not th...
The idea that we cannot substitute for liquid fuels, also lacks merit, buy a more efficient vehicle, move closer to work, take the train, bus, or subway, use teleconferencing more. Efficiency can be increased by a large measure and higher prices will make these things happen. On metals, a...
Many People may agree that replacing fossil fuels, directly or indirectly, with renewable electricity, is the best way to remove carbon from industry, transport and other areas. But the areas like cement and aviation (航空业) find batteries are too heavy and hydrogen (made using renewable ...
In many ways, the narrative presented by MSM is less frightening to the public than a narrative in which fuels are already being stretched too thin. The MSM narrative sounds like a situation that we can perhaps live with and work around. It sounds like careers ...
To help figure out the precise impact of climate gloom messaging, we recently completed a large experiment. Our findings revealed that gloom messaging was highly effective for stimulating climate change information sharing, like posting on the Internet or social media. Wallace-Wells was right in this...
Accelerating Fossil Energy Technology Development through Integrated Computation and Experimentseams, and saline formations, holds great promise for reducing GHG emissions to the atmosphere. Much remains to be done to increase our understanding of the behavior of CO2 in these formations. This will ...
Smart Cities and Urban ManagementG2: Phase Change Materials for Energy StorageH: Geo-EnergyH1: Petroleum EngineeringH2: GeothermalH3: FossilI: Energy Fundamentals and ConversionI1: FuelI2: Energy and Combustion ScienceI3: Energy ChemistryJ: Thermal ManagementJ1: Heat and Mass TransferJ2: Thermodynami...