Applytograduateschoolsthatarecurrentlyinvolvedinmajorarchaeologicaldigs.Rememberthatmoneyforexcavationscomesfromgrants,andthataschoolmusthaveanexcellentreputationinordertoreceivethistypeoffunding. Step3 Asktoworkonyourprofessorsarchaeologicaldigsonceyouhavebegunworkingtowardyourmastersdegree.Expecttheworktobemenialbutnecessary...
Trochactaeonsite 2: This is the classic (known since about 1850)Trochactaeonsite at Waaggraben. Its situated near the creek and it has changed considerably since my last visit in 2016, because the area above the digs was clearcut some years ago....
In this photo provided by Giant Screen Films, Jessin Fisher digs for fossils on public lands near his home in Marmath, N.D. (Sam Fisher/Giant Screen Films via AP) Two young brothers and their cousin were wandering through a fossil-rich stretch of theNort...