DOMTOTO by celiaholdermarylinchampagne by marylinchampagneclarkpennington by clarkpenningtontameracantrell by tameracantrelltameracantrellessierodrigues by essierodriguesyolovi5126 by yolovi5126jimkraft by jimkraftimeldaholder by imeldaholderIndonesia by lessieparker...
After a few mishaps with my phone fossil hunting in the rivers and coast, I highly recommend a cheap waterproof phone holder. Even though phones are now waterproof, it keeps the mud, salt, and sand off, and out of the speaker and charging ports, which quickly destroys a phone. This keep...
After a few mishaps with my phone fossil hunting in the rivers and coast, I highly recommend a cheap waterproof phone holder. Even though phones are now waterproof, it keeps the mud, salt, and sand off, and out of the speaker and charging ports, which quickly destroys a phone. This keep...
I got an old Casio PDA to boot up which could be a secure message exchange/storage device; just need to build a charge circuit, get a new battery, maybe a CF card, and hack up or get a serial cable as I lost the holder (grr..). Doesn’t help when my dad brings home old prod...
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[data-url*="/mobile/webapp/place/linesearch/foo=bar/from=place&end=word"], .hotel-widget-detailpoicard .buttons .callnatohere { display: none !important; } #list-container .features > li:nth-child(2) { border-left: none !important; }',modifyUi:function(){var e=document.createElement(...