The largest encyclopedia about Forza's Horizon and Motorsport series. Find the latest game updates, car lists and more here!
The 1987 Porsche 959 - abbreviated as "P. 959 '87" - is an all-wheel drive supercar by Porsche. It appears in all main series titles, except for Forza Horizon and Forza Motorsport 5, although it is exclusive to the Porsche Expansion Pack in Forza Motorsp
今天(10月24日)来自VGChartz的统计数据显示Xbox独占竞速大作《极限竞速:地平线3 Forza Horizon 3》的首周实体零售销量为382,089套,这个数字创该系列作品在Xbox One平台的最好成绩,一举超越《极限竞速5&6》和《地平线2》。《地平线3》取得这样的成绩也在情理之中,毕竟该作的素质和口碑无可挑剔,而Xbox Play ...
The largest encyclopedia about Forza's Horizon and Motorsport series. Find the latest game updates, car lists and more here!