可以玩,但是目前steamos 3.4.2有bug,玩地平线5有声音但是黑屏,等3.4.3会修复,预览版已经修复了等正式版更新罢 4楼2022-12-26 14:19 收起回复 白夜行 小有美名 5 借楼问下,存档可否与xgp共通? 来自iPhone客户端5楼2022-12-26 14:22 回复 大
具体表现为点击开始游戏后会出一个amg one的加载界面,然后就闪退,目前下了三个游戏,老头环和2077都能正常运行,地平线我真的使出了浑身解数,uu主机加速开了,兼容性experimental和8.0-4都选过,在steam ui和桌面模式也分别都试过,怎么都进不去,吧友们有解决方法或者说有遇到过同样问题的吗 送TA礼物 1楼2023...
Compatibility Report Name of the game with compatibility issues: Forza Horizon 4 Steam AppID of the game: 1293830 System Information GPU: Radeon RX6900XT Driver/LLVM version: Mesa 21.1.0/12.0.0 Kernel version: 5.12-rc5 Link to full syste...
4 请问这游戏的赚钱思路是咋样的 FlyingWing飞翼 没买终极版或者vip,跑了几十小时生涯,现在攒的钱只够两辆S级车 线上比赛租车没法调较也跑不出来好名次,玩着难受 孙吧用户_... 1-10 8 所有萌新都应该去玩劲敌枫叶谷 冈勿雕宝 萌新冬季促销入坑,综合体验了下,生涯模式根本没有代入感,多人纯找虐...
这是一个极限竞速系列的祖传问题,FH4和FH5我是个人经历过的,其他作品根据其他用户的说法也是有同样问题的。 而FH5当时上 纯白特优秀 12-15 4 用魔爪Moza R3玩极限竞速8微软商店版应该怎么配置 BiduLym 方向盘自带的软件没有极限竞速8的一键配置, 在游戏里也识别不出来R3, 只能手动绑定输入, 但是开起来...
Interestingly, Discord is listed on a Forza Horizon 5 support page as software known to cause the game to crash, but it doesn't specify what specifically causes it. Many players say as soon as they initiate screen sharing on Discord, the game closes itself and they have to restart it. So...
That being said, it’s very possible that the game could be playable on Steam Deck since the previous two Horizon titles are according this Forza Support article. But that’s all that we have if Forza Motorsport is going to be playable on Steam Deck. For more, check out our guides on ...
Buy Forza Horizon 5 JDM Jewels Car Pack ¥ 19.00 Add to Cart About This Content Japanese car culture and style will take over your garage with the JDM Jewels Car Pack. This Car Pack includes a versatile collection of cars such as the 1993 Autozam AZ-1, 1997 Mitsubishi Montero Evolution...
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With Forza Horizon 5, Playground Games takes its open-world racing game to a fictional version of Mexico, containing plenty of races, missions, and collectibles to be found. It adds local weather fronts for more diversity, more than 600 vehicles, and the