Although these mappings are designed aroundForza Horizon 4, because it functions as an Xbox controller this also works out of the box with most other racing games. I tested withTrackmania,Dirt,Burnout,Grid, andF1,but any game with left joystick steering and throttle / brake on the triggers w...
ForzaHorizon5.exe 错误模块路径: unknown 报告 ID: 5d650302-0f3c-4ed2-9464-3eabeae32fa8 错误程序包全名: Microsoft.624F8B84B80_3.533.661.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe 错误程序包相对应用程 分享211 xboxone吧 笑嘻嘻jo 教你如何优惠购买战争机器4转自一个不知名段子手: 作为战争机器系列的硬核老炮,这个...