今天看到 xenia canary 1.0.836 新版更新日志写 (性能提升超大) 刚用 forza motorsport 4 车内视角跑了三张图 哇(全程 60 FPS 好爽) 大家快去试试新版啊 大提速 16423 极限竞速地平线3吧 JTFRSR71 [Forza Horizon 3] 首批车辆列表 总共350辆车,这次只公布了其中一部分,接下来几周会陆续公布剩下的。
(If building) I have read the building doc:https://github.com/xenia-project/xenia/blob/master/docs/building.md Describe what's going wrong Forza Horizon 1 is crashing seemingly at random with the following error - no specific gameplay event triggers it, and restarting the game and playing ...
Expand your gameplay with additional cars and tuning capabilities! Contains all the cars that were exclusive to the Xbox 360 version of Forza Horizon 2 and Forza Horizon Presents Fast & Furious! Works on PC with the Xenia-Canary emulator August 2, 2022..
+1 1371 windows10吧 口吐芬芳😡 求各位大佬帮忙讲解下,C盘里面怎么会有Forza Horizon4 但是游戏是安装在F盘的,现在C盘内存吃紧快满了,而且不止游戏出现C盘有些软件也在C盘,这是什么原因 谢谢 分享4赞 xenia模拟器吧 贴吧用户_5V5tb7E 求助关于forza motorsport系列,目前2、3、4能正常运行吗?下载了2,模拟器...