即期汇率(spot rate)指成交日后第二个营业日及以内交割的外汇交易中所使用的汇率;远期汇率(forward rate)指约定的未来某
YTM小于spot rate可以理解,为什么也小于forward rate?
Spot Rate指的是即期利率,它代表的是某一时刻的实际利率水平。Forward Rate,即远期利率,表示在未来某一特定时间段内的预期利率水平。两者之间存在密切关系。详细解释如下:首先,两者都反映了市场对未来利率的预期。Spot Rate反映了当前市场对利率的即时观察或评估,而Forward Rate则是对未来利率的预测或...
在金融领域,Spot Rate与Forward Rate之间存在密切关系。它们都是表示未来现金流的折现率,但在时间点和计算方式上有所不同。具体来讲,两者的关系可以总结如下:一、概念解释 1. Spot Rate:即期利率,表示现在和未来之间的资金借贷或投资的即时成本。简单来说,就是当下借入或借出资金所期望获得的利率。
2. 'If you are a US citizen and do not like the exposure to exchange rate risk, the previous statement still holds, the only thing you have to do is sell Russian roubles forward.' 这个也是错了- - 要对冲掉暴露的汇率风险,不止可以用远期,期货,期权都可以使用。比如你担心卢布会走弱,你可以...
The forward rate of a commodity, security, or currency can be determined using the current spot rate of the good, and the spot rate can be determined using the forward rate. This relationship closely mirrors the relationship between a discounted present value and a future value. As long as a...
spot rate and forward rate 英 [spɒt reɪt ənd ˈfɔːwəd reɪt] 美 [spɑːt reɪt ənd ˈfɔːrwərd reɪt]网络 即期汇率和远期汇率 ...
解析 spot rate:即时外汇 forward rate :远期外汇 下面我来重点说一下远期外汇的含义: 远期外汇交易是指在约定的日期,按照已经确定的汇率,用美元买卖一定数量的另一种货币.远期外汇买卖与合约现货买卖有...结果一 题目 spot rate 与forward rate 的关系 答案 spot rate:即时外汇 forward rate :远期外汇 下面我来...
(1 + spot rate at year n) = (1 + forward rate at year 1) * (1 + forward rate at year 2) * ... * (1 + forward rate at year n)In this equation, the spot rate acts as a building block for determining the forward rates, reflecting the present value of future ...
计算公式如下:1、即期收益率=贴现率=一般贷款利率/[1+(贴现期×一般贷款利率)]2、远期利率=(n年期利率×n)—(n-1)年期利率 即期收益率(Spot Rate) 也称零息利率,是零息债券到期收益率的简称。在债券定价公式中,即期收益率就是用来进行现金流贴现的贴现率。远期利率(Forward rate) 则是...