forward protocol udp 67(active)! ip helper-address 说明:dhcp来源于bootp(主机引导协议),它是主机在boot时靠udp广播来获取ip地址。使用ip forward-protocol udp bootps(bootpc)是因为dhcp的服务和客户分别用udp的67与68地址来分配和获取IP地址的。其实上述命令等同于ip forward-pro udp 67(68)。
tcp protocol 三次握手 四次断开 防火墙 硬件, 软件: 规则(匹配标准,处理办法) framework 默认规则 开放:堵 关闭:通 规则:匹配标准 IP:源IP,目标IP TCP: 源port, 目标port UDP: 源port, 目标port ICMP:icmp-type Linux2.0 ipfw/firewall Linux 2.2 ipchain/firewall Linux2.4 iptables/netfilter hock function...
Solved: I have multiple Layer 3 SVI configured on the core switch and all of them are configured with ip helper-address command which by default enables ip forward-protocol . Now we have a requirement to add ip forward-protocol udp PORT# command.
NetBIOS Datagram Server (port 138) Boot Protocol (BootP) client and server datagrams (port 67) TACACS service (port 49) 为了转发其他端口的UDP广播,用ip forward-protocol udp命令, 电脑资料 《CISCO学习问题之ipforwardprotocol命令的用法。网络知识》(。 如果只想转发BOOTP广播,则...
ip-protocol-typeip-protocol-type指定IP协议类型。整数形式,取值范围是:0~255。 srcportsrcport-value指定源TCP或者UDP端口号。整数形式,取值范围是:0~65535。 dstportdstport-value指定目的TCP或者UDP端口号。整数形式,取值范围是:0~65535。 match-offsetmatch-offset指定需要匹配的偏移量。整数形式,取值范围是:0...
ip-protocol-type ip-protocol-type 指定IP协议类型。 整数形式,取值范围是:0~255。 srcport srcport-value 指定源TCP或者UDP端口号。 整数形式,取值范围是:0~65535。 dstport dstport-value 指定目的TCP或者UDP端口号。 整数形式,取值范围是:0~65535。 match-offset match-offset 指定需要匹配的偏移量。 整数...
dwForwardMetric1:The primary routing metric value for this route. The semantics of this metric are determined by therouting protocolspecified in thedwForwardProtomember. If this metric is not used, its value SHOULD be set to MIB_IPROUTE_METRIC_UNUSED (-1). This value is documented in [RFC...
dwForwardProto: The protocol or routing mechanism that generated the route. It can take one of the values specified in [RFC1354]. The enum MIB_IPFORWARD_PROTO (section describes the possible values for this member. ForwardProto: The protocol or routing mechanism that generated the...
dwForwardMetric1:The primary routing metric value for this route. The semantics of this metric are determined by therouting protocolspecified in thedwForwardProtomember. If this metric is not used, its value SHOULD be set to MIB_IPROUTE_METRIC_UNUSED (-1). This value is documented in [RFC...
// import Foundation /// Represent a single port forward struct UTMQemuConfigurationPortForward: Codable, Identifiable, Hashable { /// Socket protocol var `protocol`: QEMUNetworkProtocol = .tcp /// Host address (nil for any address). var hostAddress: String? /// Host port to recieve ...