1.确保您的源站地址与腾讯云 CDN 加速域名不相同。 2.若源站使用 HTTP 请求到 HTTPS 301/302 跳转,且 CDN 控制台开启了回源跟随 301/302 配置,需控制台开启 HTTPS 配置,强制跳转 HTTPS,且回源方式修改为协议跟随。 3.域名访问/后源站301/302到/index.html,CDN 控制台同时开启了回源跟随301/302配置,导致...
这几天发现cdn的问题,挂上cdn之后访问Forward Loop Detect错误,访问的301的链接会出问题,我百思不得其解,但是根据我的一点弱电项目经验来分析这个意思,我大概就明白了什么原因 解决方法 一般的CDN平台都会有回源跟随301、302功能 开启后,节点回源请求若返回 301、302
The system belongs to the closed-loop system, and the controlled variable is temperature. The system consists of the following parts: comparator, PID controller, three-position relay, actuator, heat exchanger, and temperature sensor. The transfer function and parameters of the high-performance hot ...
v0.7, 2013-12-01, support dead-loop detect for forwarder and transcoder. v0.7, 2013-12-01, support all ffmpeg filters and params. v0.7, 2013-11-30, support live stream transcoder by ffmpeg. v0.7, 2013-11-30, support --with/without -ffmpeg, build ffmpeg-2.1. v0.7, 2013-11-30, ad...
These special characteristics give FSR the potential to detect stealth targets [2]. As one of the new radar systems, FSR has become a hot research point in the 21st century. Many published studies have applied FSR to air target detection [3], maritime surveillance [4], and ground target ...