值得注意的是,forward_list 的迭代器数据成员 _M_node 是 public 成员,可以直接访问。 /// forward_list.htemplate<typename_Tp>struct_Fwd_list_iterator{typedef_Fwd_list_iterator<_Tp>_Self;typedef_Fwd_list_node<_Tp>_Node;typedef_Tpvalue_type;typedef_Tp*pointer;typedef_Tp&reference;typedefptrdiff...
reverse iterator,rbegin(),rend() 二分搜寻binary_search:调用lower_bound(),安插元素的最低点(会往后推其他...accumulate函数:第一个版本是累加,第二个版本是累计某个操作。()叫做function call operator,函数调用操作符,我们要传进去能调用()的东西。可被调用的东西,包括一般的 关于C++STL标准总结-顺序容器篇...
end() Returns iterator pointing to the past-the-last element of the forward_list. cbefore_begin() Returns const_iterator pointing to the before-the-first element of the forward_list. cbegin() Returns const_iterator pointing to the first element of the forward_list. cend() Returns const_iter...
_M_reverse_after() 用于将链表反转。 4.2、_Fwd_list_iterator forward_list 的迭代器区分 const 和非 const 类型。两者保存的都是 \Fwd_list_node_base 类型的指针,指向对应的 node。当向 forward_list 插入和删除元素后,其他迭代器不会失效。 值得注意的是,forward_list 的迭代器数据成员 _M_node 是 pub...
Invalidates any references, pointers, and iterators referring to contained elements. Any past-the-end iterator remains valid. Parameters (none) Return value (none) Complexity Linear in the size of the container, i.e., the number of elements. ...
If an exception is thrown during the insertion of one or more elements, the container is left unaltered and the exception is rethrown.iteratorA type that provides an iterator for the forward list.C++ Copy typedef implementation-defined iterator; ...
erase_after(const_iterator position): 删除给定位置之后的元素。 clear(): 清空链表中的所有元素。 swap(forward_list& other): 交换两个链表的内容。 forward_list中的特殊迭代器 a.before_begin();//返回一个指向链表之前的迭代器a.erase_after(a.before_begin());// 这个函数删除由pos参数指定的位置之后...
// 正向迭代for(list<int>::iteratorit=lstInt.begin(); it != lstInt.end(); it++) { cout << *it <<" "; } cout << endl; 反向迭代示例 : // 反向迭代for(list<int>::reverse_iteratorrit=lstInt.rbegin(); rit != lstInt.rend(); rit++) ...
If an exception is thrown during the insertion of one or more elements, the container is left unaltered and the exception is rethrown.iteratorA type that provides an iterator for the forward list.C++ Kopiëren typedef implementation-defined iterator; ...
示例1: reverse ▲点赞 9▼ /*! Link from user_atomic to reverse mode \copydetails atomic_base::reverse */virtualboolreverse(size_tq ,constvector<Base>& tx ,constvector<Base>& ty ,vector<Base>& px ,constvector<Base>& py ){ CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( f_.size_var() >0); ...