"""model.cpu().eval()test_mode=model.test_cfg.modeifisinstance(model.decode_head,nn.ModuleList):num_classes=model.decode_head[-1].num_classeselse:num_classes=model.decode_head.num_classes imgs=mm_inputs.pop('imgs')img_metas=mm_inputs.pop('img_metas')img_list=[img[None,:]forimgin...
Closed TypeError: forward() got multiple values for argument 'attention_mask'#139 seanswyiopened this issueMar 28, 2020· 2 comments Comments Copy link seanswyicommentedMar 28, 2020 Hello. I'm trying to run the code but am facing some difficulties. I'm assuming that this may be because ...
Describe the issue: Shapes aren't being correct set on variables when using coords in JAX. I guess this is a consequence of coords being mutable by default, and could be addressed by using freeze_dims_and_data as in #7263. If this is the...
SSRS query designer error: Argument data type varchar is invalid for argument 2 of dateadd function. SSRS question, create a textbox that lets the user enter a value... SSRS Recommended Memory Specifications SSRS refresh An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for ...
Time to connect to the target VM over SSH. For convenience purposes, I transmit the password as a command line argument using sshpass and skip the certificate verification (after all, this is a training machine).Inside the Stratosphere VM over SSH...
Another argument that supports the exclusion of mechanismacomes from the analysis of the R2of the EMG data reconstruction. If adaptation happened to be associated with the recruitment of an additional 5thmuscle synergy, reconstructing the EMG activity during thelate-Pertphase using 4 synergies would ...
thrownewArgumentException(string.Format("Item must have a content type of Event ({0}) or a content type derived from that",SPBuiltInContentTypeId.Event),"item"); } // we need to perform the check only if the item is a main entry of a recurring event series ...
SSRS query designer error: Argument data type varchar is invalid for argument 2 of dateadd function. SSRS question, create a textbox that lets the user enter a value... SSRS Recommended Memory Specifications SSRS refresh An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for ...
For simplicity, you can also pass the list of plugins as a keyword argument to proxy.main or the Proxy constructor. Example: import proxy from proxy.plugin import FilterByUpstreamHostPlugin if __name__ == '__main__': proxy.main(plugins=[ b'proxy.plugin.CacheResponsesPlugin', FilterByUpst...
# RuntimeError: Expected object of scalar type Float but got scalar type Double for second argument DecorateInfo(unittest.skip('Skipped!'), 'TestBinaryUfuncs', 'test_type_promotion'), # GradcheckError: Jacobian computed with forward mode mismatch for output 0 with respect to input 0 # Numeri...