futurecontract和forwardcontract是什么意思? future contract 是期货合约,指交易双方约定在未来的某一确定时间,按照事先商定的价格(如汇率、利率或股票价格等),以预先确定的方式买卖一定数量的某种标的物的合约。其中合约中规定在将来买入标的物的一方称为买方(或多头),在将来卖出标的物的一方称为卖方(或空头)。合约中...
Like forwards, futures contracts involve agreeing to buy and sell an asset at a specific price at a future date. These contracts aremarked to marketdaily, which means that daily changes are settled daily until the end of the contract.1The futures market is generally highly liquid, giving inves...
future contract意思是:期货合约;期货合同;期货;期货交易合同法;期货契约 例句:It refers to the last day for trading future contract.期货合约可进行交易的最后一个交易日。forward contract意思是:期货契约;远期合同 例句:Both parties could enter into a forward contract with each other.双...
远期合约(Forward Contracts )和期货合约(Futures Contracts)在许多方面都很相似:两者都涉及在未来某个日期买卖资产的协议,而且两者的价格都来自于某种基础资产。然而,远期合约是两个交易对手之间通过场外交易(OTC)达成的安排,这两个交易对手根据合约的确切条款进行谈判并达成一致,例如合约的到期日、合约中包含多少单位的...
我作为buyer,我怕未来价格会涨,所以我签了forward/ future contract来固定未来的价格,这时我就不怕未来价格涨价了,因为如果涨价我就会赚差价。但是我怕未来价格下跌,下跌我就赔了。 eg, On 13 Jul 2016, a trader buys July 2016 maturity corn contract at 252.50 cents per bushel. On maturity date, corn ...
A futures contract is a commitment to buy or sell an underlying asset at a certain price, at a future date. Losses and gains only become fully effective when operators retire from the market, either at the time of maturity or before the date of maturity. The financial risk taken by the ...
而且futures contract是和dealer做的,不是在brokers里面和另外一个人做对吗? equity视频习题第一讲大概20分钟处 题目有道是造纸厂,和原材料提供商以一个未来3个月后价格来交易,这种答案说是forward contract,解析说是因为纸不是标准的产品?这块不明白,我理解的是他俩互相约定的不是futures contract,必须是和做市商...
What Is a Forward Contract? 什么是远期合约? A forward contract is a customized contract between two parties to buy or sell an asset at a specified price on a future date. A forward contract can be …
future is regulated, public traded in exchange Forward is privately defined by the 2 parties, usually big financial institution.forwards:Private contract between 2 parties, Nonstandard contract agreed with counterparty, Single specified delivery date, Usually settled by delivery of cash Fu...