In AI, specifically expert system (ES) is a thought-provoking technique which has mystery to mimic human abilities to solve particular problems. This study mainly employs forward chaining- and backward changing-based expert system inference approaches to forecast the behavior of major stock exchanges ...
W. (1998). Making forward chaining relevant. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on AI Planning Systems, pp. 54{61 Pittsburgh, PA.Bacchus, F, and Teh, Y. 1998. Making forward chaining relevant. Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on AI Planning Systems, 54- 61....
J. 2008. Teaching forward-chaining planning with javaff. In Colloquium on AI Education, Twenty-Third AAAI Confer- ence on Artificial Intelligence.Coles, A. I.; Fox, M.; Long, D.; and Smith, A. J. 2008. Teaching forward-chaining planning with JavaFF. In Collo- quium on AI Education...
Meanwhile, in the broader AI community, combining partial-order planning with grounded forward chaining has become popular for temporal task planning, preserving the ability of partial-order planners to deal with concurrent actions while exploiting the speed of modern-day grounded forward search. In ...
forward-chainingcomplexitystable submodel/ C4240L Logic programming theory C1230R Reasoning and inference in AIWe investigate the construction of stable models of general propositional logic programs. We show that a forward-chaining technique, supplemented by a properly chosen safeguard can be used to...
Forward Chaining Algorithm for Solving the Shortest Path Problem in Arbitrary Deterministic Environment in Linear Time - Applied for the Tower of Hanoi ProblemThe paper presents an application of an algorithm which solves the shortest path problem in arbitrary deterministic environment in linear time, ...
In Proc. SAIS.Planning for loosely coupled agents using partial order forward-chaining - Kvarnström - 2010J. Kvarnstro¨m, "Planning for loosely coupled agents using partial order forward-chaining," in Proceedings of the 26th Annual Workshop of the Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society (...
Therefore an expert system will be built that aims to diagnose diseases in corn plants using the forward chaining method and mobile-based certainty factor. By using the forward chaining method and the certainty factor, the accuracy value obtained by the system for 25 time...