我正在使用C ++ 17和Visual C ++ 2017,我正在使用std::tuple创建一个std::forward_as_tuple的引用。 从C ++ 14开始,可以通过使用类类型而不是索引来访问元组的元素。 当我尝试下面的代码时,我有编译错误 error C2338: duplicate type T in get<T>(tuple) 你知道如何访问以这种方式创建的元组中的元素吗...
如果在std::apply中使用forward_as_tuple结果之前将其存储在变量中,则会丢失右值引用 、 在处理一个项目时,我遇到了std::apply不转发来自std::tuple的右值引用的情况,该引用是由std::forward_as_tuple *IF* resulting std::tuple创建的然而,如果std::forward_as_tuple结果没有存储在变量中,而只是作为...
(result, tuple):result = (result,)input = resultbw_hook = Noneif len(full_backward_hooks) > 0:bw_hook = hooks.BackwardHook(self, full_backward_hooks)input = bw_hook.setup_input_hook(input)if torch._C._get_tracing_state():result = self._slow_forward(*input, **kwargs)else:result...
If the forward_list is an integer type, the first member function behaves the same as assign((size_type)First, (Type)Last). Otherwise, the first member function replaces the sequence controlled by *this with the sequence [ First, Last), which must not overlap the initial controlled ...
# 需要導入模塊: from pyparsing import Forward [as 別名]# 或者: from pyparsing.Forward importignore[as 別名]defparser(text):cvtTuple =lambdatoks: tuple(toks.asList()) cvtRaw =lambdatoks: RawString(' '.join(map(str, toks.asList()))#cvtDict = lambda toks: dict(toks.asList())cvt...
[W] Warning: RCNN always returns a (Losses, Detections) tuple in scripting (function ) output :: ({}, [{boxes: [ CPUFloatType{0,4} ], labels: [ CPULongType{0} ], scores: [ CPUFloatType{0} ], masks: [ CPUFloatType{0,1,875,606} ]}]) ...
A will conduct H 1 query on ( I D U k | | U k T A 0 | | i , Q i ) , if the tuple ( I D U k | | U k T A 0 | | i , Q i ) is in L 1 , C will use Q i as the response to the H 1 query, otherwise C will randomly choose a G i ∈ Z q m × m...