Transgene insertion sites can be defined by identifying the genomic regions flanking the insertions using whole-genome sequencing29. We reasoned a similar approach could identify transgene insertion sites from multiple mutants sequenced in pools. We mapped Illumina sequencing reads from two pools of three...
Frequency histograms of forward primer sequence copy number within 5 million paired end reads.Stacey L. LanceCara N. LoveSchyler O. NunziataJason R. O’BryhimDavid E. ScottR. Wesley FlynnKenneth L. Jones
and thus designed to enable the amplification of all insert sequences irrespective of sequence composition (Forward: 5′ ccatccacgctgttttgacc 3′, Reverse: 5′ cgccggtacctttaagacca 3′). Amplicons were size selected using Am
Because factors such as SE and HYL1 affect the precision of miRNA (Dong et al., 2008; Kurihara et al., 2006; Yang et al., 2006), we quantified accumulation of exact miRNA sequences by using reverse transcription followed by quantitative PCR (qRT-PCR). We found that several miRNAs were...
(VEEV), a previously-weaponized arthropod-borne RNA-virus capable of causing acute and fatal encephalitis in animal and human hosts. A single 20-mosquito pool tested positive for VEEV by quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) on the Biomeme two3. The virus-positive...
Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma (ERMS) is a childhood cancer that expresses myogenic master regulatory factor MYOD but fails to differentiate. Here, we show that the zinc finger transcription factor CASZ1 up-regulates MYOD signature genes and induces skeletal
we analyzed the publicly accessible human transcriptome dataset of FACSort-purified paired CRC fibroblastic stroma (CAFs), TILs, and epithelial tumor cells (GSE39396), which substantiates the significantly higherNT5EmRNA levels in CRC-CAFs than in tumors and TILs (Fig.1f). Together, these results...