Forward 和 Future 属于同一个类型,区别在于future比forward更加更加规范,风险更小。 下面以buyer和seller两方来写: Buyer: long-position 我作为buyer,我怕未来价格会涨,所以我签了forward/ future contract来固定未来的价格,这时我就不怕未来价格涨价了,因为如果涨价我就会赚差价。但是我怕未来价格下跌,下跌我就赔...
future contract 是期货合约,指交易双方约定在未来的某一确定时间,按照事先商定的价格(如汇率、利率或股票价格等),以预先确定的方式买卖一定数量的某种标的物的合约。其中合约中规定在将来买入标的物的一方称为买方(或多头),在将来卖出标的物的一方称为卖方(或空头)。合约中规定的未来买卖标的物的价格称为交割价格。
future contract意思是:期货合约;期货合同;期货;期货交易合同法;期货契约 例句:It refers to the last day for trading future contract.期货合约可进行交易的最后一个交易日。forward contract意思是:期货契约;远期合同 例句:Both parties could enter into a forward contract with each other.双...
Forward contract 指的是远期合同,是20世纪80年代初兴起的一种保值工具,它是一种交易双方约定在未来的某一确定时间,以确定的价格买卖一定数量的某种金融资产的合同。合同中要规定交易的标的物、有效期和交割时的执行价格等项内容。其英文释义如下:The forward contract is an agreement between a buyer and seller to...
A forward contract (or a futures contract) is a commitment to purchase at a future date, known as the expiration date, the delivery date or the maturity date, a given amount of a commodity or an asset at a price agreed on today. The price fixed now for future exchange is called the ...
futures contractforward contractbond futuresEurodollar futuresforward rate agreementsSummary In this chapter we use the 3 factor HJM bushy tree from Chapter 9 to value a series of futures and forward contracts. We start with forward contracts on zero coupon bonds, then value forward rate agreements...
a buyer and a seller to trade an asset at a future date at a given price. They don’t trade on an exchange and have more flexible terms and conditions, including the amount of the underlying asset and how it will be delivered.1Forwards have onesettlement date: the end of the contract...
A. A future requires the contract purchaser to receive delivery of the good at a specified time. B. A predetermined price to be paid for a good is a necessary requirement in the terms of a forward contract. C. The primary difference between forwards and futures is that only futures...