Define forty-niner. forty-niner synonyms, forty-niner pronunciation, forty-niner translation, English dictionary definition of forty-niner. n. One who took part in the 1849 California gold rush. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, F
TheOxford Learner’s Thesaurusexplains the difference between groups of similar words. Try it for free as part of theOxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionaryapp the Forty-Niners [plural]the popular name for theSan Franciscoprofessional football team ...
Define forty-five. forty-five synonyms, forty-five pronunciation, forty-five translation, English dictionary definition of forty-five. n. 1. A .45-caliber pistol. 2. A phonograph record designed to be played at 45 revolutions per minute. for′ty-five′ a