To really appreciate this Homemade Fortune Teller in Booth Costume and the Adventure it was outside of it being an AWESOME costume, you first have to know that my wonderful loving husband repeatedly assured me there was no way I could make “all that crap ” into a costume. Okay, so I ...
I also did the same with Football player Bullwinkle costume. I just made a helmet from foam and bought the outfit online. The Fortune Teller Bullwinkle costume I made from scratch. The Turban is filled with a semi-inflated beach ball. It is not attached but I found a way to rig it in...
Coolest Homemade Fortune Teller Halloween Costume Idea Coolest Homemade Vending Machine Costume Awesome Fortune Teller Costume Fantastic Fortune Teller in Booth Homemade Costume Idea Interactive Arcade Game Couples Costume