这是华城电机股份有限公司的联系人、邮箱、地址、电话、传真等详细信息,来自台湾贸易商名录。 基本信息 公司名称: 华城电机股份有限公司(FORTUNE ELECTRIC CO., LTD.) 地址: 台北市复兴南路一段370号10楼 邮政编码: 106 负责人: 许忠明 最新推薦: 點擊購買中國臺灣华城电机股份有限公司信用报告 ...
商标名称FORTUNE ELECTRIC 国际分类07-机械设备 申请/注册号23291841 商标状态商标已注册 申请日期2017-03-24 初审公告期号1591 初审公告日期2018-03-13 注册公告期号1603 注册公告日期2018-06-14 专用权期限2018-06-14-2028-06-13 申请人信息 申请人名称(中文)上海赴新电气有限公司 申请地址(中文)上海市奉贤区海...
商标名称 运成电机 FORTUNE ELECTRIC 国际分类 第07类-机械设备 商标状态 商标注册申请 申请/注册号 29112651 申请日期 2018-02-02 申请人名称(中文) 广东运成电机科技有限公司 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 广东省佛山市顺德区北滘镇工业园林港路12号 申请人地址(英文) - 初审公告期号 - 初审公告日...
商标名称FORTUNE ELECTRIC 国际分类35-广告销售 申请/注册号23291690 商标状态商标无效 申请日期2017-03-24 初审公告期号0 初审公告日期- 注册公告期号0 注册公告日期- 专用权期限- 申请人信息 申请人名称(中文)上海赴新电气有限公司 申请地址(中文)上海市浦东新区曹路镇永丰村龚丰路661-5号C室 申请人名称(英文)...
Shanghai Fortune Electric Co., LTD is engaged in the development, production and marketing of medium frequency furnace. IGBT medium frequency series, the featured product now is mainly applied to the heating, forging, smelting and welding of metal in mechanical manufacture, machining, auto industry...
Shanghai Fortune Electric Co., LTD is engaged in the development, production and marketing of medium frequency furnace. IGBT medium frequency series, the featured product now is mainly applied to the heating, forging, smelting and welding of metal in mechanical manufacture, machining, auto industry...
Shanghai Fortune Electric Co., LTD is engaged in the development, production and marketing of medium frequency furnace. IGBT medium frequency series, the featured product now is mainly applied to the heating, forging, smelting and welding of metal in mechanical manufacture, machining, auto industry...
DC Motor Supplier, Electric DC Motor, High Voltage Motor Manufacturers/ Suppliers - Shanghai Fortune Electric Co., Ltd.