at 93rd in the list. Its revenue reached $105.2 billion in 2023. It debuted on the Fortune 500 in 2004 and has been among the top 100 for 11 years in a row.
The Fortune 500, in its 70th year, ranks the biggest U.S. companies by revenue. In total, Fortune 500 companies represent two-thirds of the U.S. GDP with $18.8 trillion in revenues, $1.7 trillion in profits, and $43 trillion in market value (as of March 28, 2024), and they employ...
Celebrating the world's top business leaders who also happen to be LGBTQ+. view 2024 list Fortune Global 500 The corporations on our annual list posted aggregate revenues of $41 trillion for the second year in a row. view 2024 list 202320222021 more Best Places to Live for Families Our th...
100 Best Companies Fortune 500 Global 500 Fortune 500 Europe Most Powerful Women Future 50 World’s Most Admired Companies See All Rankings Sections Finance Leadership Success Tech Asia Europe Environment Fortune Crypto Health Well Retail Lifestyle ...
微信公众号Top500排行榜 热度: 淘宝热门关键词组合-女装类TOP500 热度: 排名公司标志中文常用名称总部所在地主要业务营业收入百万美元 1沃尔玛美国一般商品零售378,799 2埃克森美孚美国炼油372,824 3皇家壳牌石油荷兰炼油355,782 4英国石油英国炼油291,438
Fortune 500 20 biggest stock gainers 10 transformation technologies Best Companies to Work For 10 Top-paying companies They're hiring! 100 Fastest-Growing Companies Fastest-Growing fails Fastest-Growing all-stars Current Issue 100 Best Companies to Work For ...
Forinstance:88of thecompanieson theFortuneGlobal100 listupdatetheirTwitteraccountsatleastdaily. 例如:《财富》杂志(Fortune)全球500强中前100位的公司,有88家至少每天都在更新其Twitter账户。 www.fortunechina.com 10. cnMICHELINGroup,oneof thetopFortune500companies,istheworldleaderintiretechnology and innovation...
The article reports that based on 2008 revenue, ExxonMobil, an integrated oil company, regains its top spot in Fortune magazine's list of the 500 biggest U.S.-based companies. For two years, ExxonMobil ranked second behind Wal-Mart who fell to number two on the current list. Chevron, ...
The Fortune 500 changed in 1994 to include a broader range of company types from different sectors. Recently, the top 100 companies have included many tech, energy, and healthcare companies. The same big companies often show in the top 10, even if their rankings shift slightly, year after ...