2023年8月2日,《财富》世界500强排行榜发布。其中中国企业(含台湾地区)共有142家企业上榜,总数居各国之首。值得注意的是,在上榜的企业中新能源汽车技术企业一跃成为黑马。Chinese companies have overtaken their United States counterparts in terms of number on this year's Fortune Global 500 list, which ...
Today, a new cast of characters are dominating. In 2023,Chevronsecured the 10th spot on the list, bumping off drugmakerCencora, after the oil company recorded$36.5 billionin profits last year. Here are the top 10 companies from theFortune 500 listin 2023. Our 2024 list will launch in Jun...
Fortune Global 500 Ranking (2019) 1Walmart 2Sinopec Group 3Shell 4China National Petroleum 5State Grid 6Saudi Aramco 7BP 8Exxon Mobil 9Volkswagen 10Toyota MotorThe Full Fortune Global 500 List Search 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007...
see how each country is represented on the list, we put the Global 500 on a world map. Now you can see each company's location, revenue and profit at a glance. We also invite you to take a look at how each Global 500 company has moved around in the ranks over the past two ...
8.14日双语新闻China again leads company count on Fortune Global 500 list2023年《财富》世界500强榜单发布,中国企业上榜总数居于榜首, 视频播放量 175、弹幕量 0、点赞数 4、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 0、转发人数 8, 视频作者 优点英语, 作者简介 所有视频皆有文稿,新
In 2024, the Fortune 500 companies cumulatively included $18,843,981,300,000 (18.84 trillion) in revenue and consisted of 31,002,174 (31 million) employees. This is official data gathered from each company's annual 10-K reports, which are required to be released within 90 days of the co...
Fortune Global 500 The corporations on our annual list of the world’s 500 largest companies posted near-flat, but still record-breaking aggregate revenues of $41 trillion in 2023, with a year-over-year increase of 0.1%. Walmart remains No. 1 for the 11th consecutive year, while Amazon ...
On July 11, Fortune released the Fortune China 500 of 2023, and C&D Inc. (stock code: 600153) ranked 11th with an operating revenue of over RMB 832.812 billion.This list considers the performance and ...
On August 2nd, the 2023 Fortune Global 500 list was released, with a total of 19 Guangdong companies on the list featuring several highlights. An enterprise in Dongguan has been on the list for the first time. Automobile enterprises have significantly increased their rankings, and state-owned ...
Recently, the 2023 Fortune Global 500 list was released. Four state-owned enterprises under Guangzhou Government, including GAC Group, Guangzhou Municipal Construction Group, Guangzhou Industrial Investment Holdings Group (GIIHG), and Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Holdings Limited (GPHL), ranked 165th, 380th...