'fortunate' aparece también en las siguientes entradas: In the English description: a lucky find-best of all-better off-blessing-born lucky-break-felicitous-good job-happy-happy coincidence-happy few-in luck-jammy-just as well-luck out-lucky-lucky devil-opportune-providential-serendipitous-stroke...
Fortuitous vs. fortunate Theadjectivefortuitousmeanshappening by accident or chance. It’ssynonymouswithrandomandaccidental.Fortuitousis often conflated withfortunate, meaning (1)bringing something good or unforeseenor (2)having good luck. Perhaps due to the words’ similarity in sound,fortuitoushas long ...
"We weren't a little bit lucky [against PSG], we were really lucky - but as Michael Jordan said once: 'The harder you work, the more luck you have'," said Slot. "This is the biggest compliment you have to give the players, they worked incredibly hard. That also ...