fortran中write to readonly file-概述说明以及解释 1.引言 1.1概述 在Fortran编程语言中,文件的读写操作是非常常见的。在文件处理过程中,通常会声明文件的打开方式,包括只读文件和可读写文件。只读文件是指只能读取文件内容而不能对其进行修改或写入操作。然而,在某些情况下,程序员可能会尝试向只读文件写入数据,这将...
错误提示是:write to readonly file 说明程序在把数据写入 qiaoliang.do2 文件的时候发现这个文件的属性是只读的。从报错上来看跟步长没关系。可能的原因就是某个程序正在使用这个文件,造成这个文件的属性是只读的,或者文件本身设置的就是只读的属性。处理方法是:关闭正在使用这个文件的程序,检查这个文...
3.4.123 –xfilebyteorder= options 示例: 注: 3.4.124 –xhasc[={ yes|no}] 3.4.125 –xhelp={readme| flags} 3.4.126 –xhwcprof[={enable | disable}] 3.4.127 –xia[={ widestneed|strict}] 3.4.128 –xinline= list 3.4.129 –xinstrument=[%no]datarace 3.4.130...
o MESSAGE: Write to READONLY file NUMBER: 47 EXPLANATION: A write operation was attempted to a file that was declared READONLY in the OPEN statement that is currently in effect. o MESSAGE: Wrong number of arguments NUMBER: 80 EXPLANATION: An improper number of arguments was used to call a...
因此,必须在链接时同时指定 -xipo 和-xipo_archive=readonly(或 -xipo_archive=writeback)。 readonly 生成可执行文件之前,编译器使用通过 -xipo 编译的目标文件(驻留在归档库 (.a)中)来优化传递到链接程序的目标文件。 选项-xipo_archive=readonly 启用对在链接时指定的归档库中的目标文件的跨模块内联和...
EXPLANATION:Adirect-accessREADorFINDstatementattempted toaccessbeyondtheendofarelativefile(orasequential fileondiskwithfixed-lengthrecords)oraccessarecordthat waspreviouslydeletedinarelativefile. oArrayindexoutofbounds(SIGTRAP) NUMBER:138 EXPLANATION:BreakexceptiongeneratedaSIGTRAPsignal ...
INTEGER(INT_PTR_KIND()) FUNCTION Workbooks_Open($OBJECT, Filename, UpdateLinks, ReadOnly, Fformat, Password, WriteResPassword, IgnoreReadOnlyRecommended, Origin, Delimiter, Editable, Notify, Converter, AddToMru, $STATUS) !! !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: Workbooks_Open IMPLICIT NONE ...
帮我翻译下,谢谢ErrorCode:8,ErrorMsg:attemp to write a readonly database.是什思 错误代码8,错误信息,尝试设置一个只读的数据库 cue 无法打开用于播放的项目(Error parsing cuesheet: invalid TITLE syntax (line 19)): TRACK 04 AUDIO TITLE "Passer? PERFORMER "Il Divo&q 购物-[京东]精品生鲜,精挑...
用记事本打开它,内容为:〃{{NO_DEPENDENCIES}} // Microsoft Visual C++ generated include file. // Used by Resource1.rc #define IDD_DIALOG1 101 #define IDC_EDIT1 1000 // Next default values for new objects #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED #ifndef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_...
40、ADONLY CLOSE statement STATUS= DELETE with OPEN statement READONLY ACCESS= APPEND with STATUS= REPLACE ACCESS= DIRECT or KEYED with POSITION= APPEND , ASIS , or REWIND 47 severe (47): Write to READONLY file FOR$IOS_WRIREAFIL. A write operation was attempted to a file that was declar...