REAL*16 REAL*16 REAL*16 变量c、l、p、s、u、x和y的类型为四倍精度。变量n的类型为INTEGER。 应使用REAL*16语句或者通过适当的IMPLICIT语句显式声明这些函数的类型。 sind(x)和asind(x)等函数采用度数,而不是弧度。 如果需要使用其他任何四倍精度libm函数,可以在调用前使用$PRAGMAC(fcn) 来进行调用。有关...
(SPARC only) A quadruple-precision constant is a basic real constant or an integer constant, such that it is followed by a quadruple-precision exponent. See "Real Constants". @ A quadruple-precision exponent consists of the letter Q, followed by an optional plus or minus sign, followed by ...
ompi_fortran_check_iso_fortran_env_real16.m4 ompi_setup_mpi_fortran.m4 ompi include mpi/fortran base mpif-h profile use-mpi-f08 use-mpi-ignore-tkr
最新的Intel Fortran支持 REAL*16类型,可以查阅其帮助文档。变量赋值时需要加上后缀Q,比如X=12.3写成...
Pull Request Description Real*16 in fortran is not the same as long double in C despite having the same byte-size. To properly handle the reduction, we have to use fortran to handle the ops. Ref: i...
I've been running an application in extended precision (REAL*16) for more years than I like to count and, finally, the time has come when I need it to execute faster. My impression is that all I can do is reduce, as far as possible, the number of extended precision multiply and div...
(2) I found that mutiplying two REAL*16 variables that are both equal to zero seemed to take a long time - perhaps as much as non-zero values. That isn't what I would have guessed (not being a computer scientist), and it makes me wonder if I should test whether values are equa...
目前有 Absoft,Intel Fortran,GFortran,NAG,Lahey 等编译器支持 kind=16,不需要64位。具体请参考编译器对比:
Objects that use the REAL(16) , REAL*16, COMPLEX(16) or COMPLEX*32 datatypes and which were compiled with versions earlier than 12.0 must be recompiled. Objects built for the Intel® 64 architecture with a compiler version earlier than 10.0 and that ha...