$ use omp_lib INTEGER TID,OMP_GET_THREAD_NUM !$omp parallel private(i) TID=OMP_GET_THREAD_NUM() print *,'threadid:',TID !$omp end parallel end 若是不声明OMP_GET_THREAD_NUM,OMP_GET_NUM_THREADS那么不会得到正确的线程号和总线程数。 原因:??? (2) 但是如果在开头使用"use omp_lib",...
$ use omp_lib INTEGER TID,OMP_GET_THREAD_NUM !$omp parallel private(i) TID=OMP_GET_THREAD_NUM() print *,'threadid:',TID !$omp end parallel end 若是不声明OMP_GET_THREAD_NUM,OMP_GET_NUM_THREADS那么不会得到正确的线程号和总线程数。 原因:??? (2) 但是如果在开头使用"use omp_lib",...
program b use omp_lib implicit none integer :: thread_id integer :: i, temp=0, temp2=0 integer, allocatable :: temp3(:) integer, parameter :: n=10, m=100000 real(kind=8) :: stattime, endtime !$omp parallel num_threads(3) thread_id = omp_get_thread_num() print *, "Hello...
NTHREADS = OMP_GET_NUM_THREADS() PRINT *,'Number of threads = ', NTHREADS END IF C All threadsjoinmaster thread and disband !$OMP END PARALLEL END 二、循环(Loop work-sharing) 1C***2C FILE: omp_workshare1.f3C DESCRIPTION:4C OpenMP Example - Loop Work-sharing -Fortran Version5C Inthi...
OpenMP库: 使用 use omp_lib 导入OpenMP库。 数组初始化: 使用 allocate 动态分配数组 array 和 result 并初始化。 并行区域: 使用 !$omp parallel do 和 !$omp end parallel do 指令定义并行区域,实现数组元素的并行计算。 线程控制: 使用 omp_get_thread_num 获取线程ID,并通过 omp_get_max_threads 获取...
callMP_set_num_threads(t)!设置并行线的最大值OMP_get_num_procs()!需要的处理器数OMP_get_num_threads()!实际使用的处理器数与设置的不同OMP_get_thread_num()!实际使用的处理器数量OMP_get_wtime()!等待的时间 OpenMP的使用例子: program test ...
$omp parallel do private(i) schedule(static, 1) ! if() shared() do i = 1, 4 29 设计模式学习网址:https://refactoringguru.cn/design-patterns;Fortran 学习代码见:https:// gitee.com/zoziha/fortran-design-patterns. - 38 - print *, "Hello World from thread", omp_get_thread_num() end...
#include<omp.h> #include<iostream> int main() { std::cout << "parallel begin:\n"; #pragma omp parallel { std::cout << omp_get_thread_num(); } std::cout << "\n parallel end.\n"; std::cin.get(); return 0; } 编译g++ c_test.cpp -o test -fopenmp,输出结果为 parallel ...
hello from thread: 0 subroutine clausesUSE OMP_LIBimplicit none call omp_set_num_threads(6)PRINT *, OMP_IN_PARALLEL(), OMP_GET_MAX_THREADS()!$OMP PARALLELprint *, "# threads:", OMP_GET_NUM_THREADS()print *, 'hello from thread:', OMP_GET_THREAD_NUM()!$OMP END PA...