...文件读取 读取已知名称的netCDF数据 使用NetCDF库API从已有文件中去读已知变量名称的数据时,通常按照如下步骤: nc_open / 打开已有文件 / nc_inq_dimid...如果使用Fortran的API接口,则改为如下命令: nf90_open !...关闭文件对象 当上述步骤已经完成,不需要再添加任何信息时,需要使用如下函数关闭打开的...
库使用 nf90_<some name> ,这限制了进口商方面的名称空间污染。 use netcdf ! imported names are prefixed with "nf90_" nf90_open(...) nf90_create(...) nf90_get_var(...) nf90_close(...) 同样,这个库的ncio包装器使用 nc_<some name> ( , ...)。 重要的是,对于 use: ..., onl...
status=nf90_open(trim(filename),nf90_nowrite,ncid) write(*,*) status !检查文件是否打开,status返回值=0时,证明文件打开正确 !get the id of variables status=nf90_inq_varid(ncid,'lon',varid1) status=nf90_inq_varid(ncid,'lat',varid2) status=nf90_inq_varid(ncid,'lonc',varid3) ...
HDF(Hierarchical Data Format)由NCSA(National Center for Supercomputing Applications)设计提出,官方对...
利用fortran创建、读取、写netCDF(.nc)的教程 Introduction to using the netCDF data format with Fortran 90 Michael Thorne (michael.thorne@utah.edu)Last Updated: July 20, 2010 I. Introduction NetCDF – Net work C ommon D ata F orm NetCDF is an array based data structure for storing ...
利用fortran创建、读取、写netCDF(.nc)的教程 Introduction to using the netCDF data format with Fortran 90 Michael Thorne (michael.thorne@utah.edu)Last Updated: July 20, 2010 I. Introduction NetCDF – Net work C ommon D ata F orm NetCDF is an array based data structure for storing ...
Official GitHub repository for netCDF-Fortran libraries, which depend on the netCDF C library. Install the netCDF C library first. datasethacktoberfestunidatanetcdf-fortrannetcdf-library Updated12 days ago Fortran LiamBindle/nf90_open_with_retries ...
Open netCDF file !::: CALL check(nf90_open(infile, nf90_nowrite, ncid)) !Get the values of the coordinates and put them in xpos ypos !::: CALL check(nf90_inquire_variable(ncid,1,vname,xtype,ndims,dimids)) CALL check(nf90_inq_varid(ncid,vname,varid)) CALL check(nf90_get...
Open arthurvdopened this issueJun 18, 2018· 5 comments arthurvdcommentedJun 18, 2018 Hi, We're running into stack overflow issues when calling nf90_get_var routines such as: function nf90_get_var_2D_FourByteInt(ncid, varid, values, start, count, stride, map) integer, intent( in) ...
函数接口以nc_开头,F77函数接口以nf_开头,F90函数接口以nf90_开头。...函数概览 NetCDF库的函数操作分为几个类别,以下以C语言API为例,Fortran的API类似,可能函数的参数有些区别。...nc_get_var / 获取变量值 / 其它操作 nc_close / 关闭打开的文件 如果使用Fortran的API接口,则改为如下命令: nf90_open...