float fpA[]={1.2f,3.f,44.f,2.5f,-1.3f,33.44f,5.f,0.3f,-3.6f,24.1f},fpMean; iSum=SUMIT(iA,&iN); cout << "The Sum of iA is:" << iSum << endl; fpMean=MEAN(fpA,&iN); cout << "The Mean of fpA is:" << fpMean << endl; return 0; } (2) The Fortran file: INT...
The modern Fortran language has various types of arrays and an array sectioning feature that enables subsections of arrays to be passed as parameters to functions or be pointed by Fortran pointers. For loops that operate on arrays, the compiler can generate unit stride vector code, non-unit...
This is the 'natural' way to implement an array of arrays in Fortran. An alternative, which might appeal to you more would be something like: type :: twodarray integer, dimension(2,2) :: elements end type twodarray type(twodarray), dimension(3) :: s s(1)%elements = x If you...
The modern Fortran language has various types of arrays and an array sectioning feature that enables subsections of arrays to be passed as parameters to functions or be pointed by Fortran pointers. For loops that operate on arrays, the compiler can generate unit stride vector code, non-unit str...
deftest_mem_layout():# Test with different memory layouts of X and yX_ = np.asfortranarray(X) clf = GradientBoostingClassifier(n_estimators=100, random_state=1) clf.fit(X_, y) assert_array_equal(clf.predict(T), true_result)
c Computes the mean of array x c function mean(xc, n) bind(c) use ISO_C_BINDING implicit none cGCC$ ATTRIBUTES STDCALL, DLLEXPORT :: mean real(kind=c_float)::mean type(c_ptr), value::xc integer(kind=c_int), value::n real(kind=c_float), dimension(:), pointer::x ...
(array_in(i,j),kind=c_double_complex) end do end do call fftw_mpi_execute_dft(plan,in_c,out_c) do i=1,local_ni do j=1,n1 array_out(i,j)=cmplx(out_c(i,j)) end do end do end subroutine cal_fftw_mpi end module fftw_mpi_m !=== program main use mpi use my_func use ...
built-in support for arguments in subroutines rich set of intrinsic functions built-in support for complex numbers support for array notation allowing operations on array sections strong aliasing rules for memory pointers, resulting in more efficient code after compilation today, despite having ...
Fortran runtime error: Array reference out of bounds for array 'array_1', upper bound of dimension 1 exceeded (5001 > 5000) It's not clear why your getting a stack overflow, but I'm guessing you finally hit a point where your arrays just take up too much memory to start. If you ...