Fortran Runtime Error: End of Record 1. 错误含义 "Fortran runtime error: end of record" 通常表示在读取或处理记录时,程序遇到了记录的末尾,但预期还有更多的数据需要处理。这通常发生在处理文件输入/输出(I/O)操作时,尤其是当程序试图从一个文件中读取固定长度的记录,但实际上文件中的数据已经结束了。 2...
坑1 Fortran runtime error: End of record 当将数字写入字符串时,赋予数字的格式超过字符串的长度会出现上述错误,当然出现这个错误的原因不止于此,只不过我碰到了这个情况,记录一下 character(len=10)::abcdwrite(abcd,'(F10.2)')11.111 坑2 在intel fortran中不可使用动态长度的字符串 # 下面的可在gfortran...
19、n end-of-file record written by the ENDFILE statement was encountered during execution of a READ statement that did not contain an END, ERR, or IOSTAT specification. An attempt was made to read past the end of an internal file character string or array during execution of a READ state...
Because there are no record marks on the file, there will be no “end-of-record” error detection. The only errors detected are “end-of-file” or abnormal system errors. INQUIRE statement: INQUIRE on a file opened with FORM=”BINARY” returns:FORM=”BINARY” ACCESS=”SEQUENTIAL” DIRECT=...
severe (36): Attempt to access non-existent record FOR$IOS_ATTACCNON. A direct-access READ or FIND statement 36 attempted to access beyond the end of a relative file (or a sequential file on disk with fixed-length records) or access a record that was previously deleted in a relative ...
The END FILE statement writes an end-of-file record as the next record of the file connected to the specified unit.END FILE u END FILE ([UNIT= ] u [, IOSTAT=ios] [, ERR=s]) Parameter Description u Unit identifier of an external unit connected to the file. The options can be...
do_ud: off end of record: k=0 !a.out OK!! c do j=1,a !c處出現do_ud: off en d of record: c k=j-1 do i=1,a write(11,rec=3*k+1)station(i) write(11,rec=3*k+2)st_lon(i) write(11,rec=3*k+3)st_lat(i) k=k+1 enddo open: null file name!沒有讀到檔案,或是...
toaccessbeyondtheendofarelativefile(orasequential fileondiskwithfixed-lengthrecords)oraccessarecordthat waspreviouslydeletedinarelativefile. oArrayindexoutofbounds(SIGTRAP) NUMBER:138 EXPLANATION:BreakexceptiongeneratedaSIGTRAPsignal (describedinsignal(3)).Coredumpfilecreated. ...
Advancing I/O always positions a file at the end of a record, unless an error condition occurs. Nonadvancing I/O can position a file at a character position within the current record. Share this: Facebook X Loading...This entry was posted in 程序设计. Bookmark the permalink. ←...
Error termination. Backtrace: At line 1693 of file projwfc.f90 (unit = 99, file = './outdir/') Fortran runtime error: I/O past end of record on unformatted file The output file ends with the following message: