当你在安装或配置某些需要Fortran编译器支持的软件时,遇到“configure: error: fortran compiler cannot create executables”这样的错误,通常意味着Fortran编译器在尝试编译并链接一个简单的测试程序时失败了。以下是一些可能的原因及其相应的解决步骤: 确认Fortran编译器已正确安装并配置: 首先,确保你已经安装了Fortran编...
html安装并激活了gcc9.3.0版本,但是在安装CP2K依赖库的时候报错C++ compiler cannot create executables...
checking whether the C compiler works... noconfigure: error: in `/cluster/home/me/hdf5-hdf5-1_10_7':configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables./configure --prefix=/cluster/shared/apps/hdf5p/1.10.7 --enable-fortran --enable-parallel CC=mpiicc FC=mpiifort CXX=mpiicp...
checking whether the Fortran 77 compiler works... no configure: error: in/Users/felix/Documents/DOCTORADO/mineos-1.0.2': configure: error: Fortran 77 compiler cannot create executables Seeconfig.log' for more details I thought that ifort would fix the F77 issue. How can I fix it? I cannot...
I installed Visual Studio 2019 (with the desktop C++ workload selected) and installed intel oneAPI HPC Toolkit (the newest version with Fortran compiler selected) to Visual Studio 2019. When I create a project and build a program it shows following error came out after I...
/* Create a file with 1024 32-bit integers */ int main(void) { int i; FILE *fp; for (i = 0; i < 1024; ++i) binary_data[i] = i; fp = fopen("test", "w"); fwrite(binary_data, sizeof(binary_data), 1, fp);
Use -m32 to create 32-bit executables and shared libraries. Use -m64 to create 64-bit executables and shared libraries.The ILP32 memory model (32-bit int, long, pointer data types) is the default on all Solaris platforms and on Linux platforms that are not 64-bit enabled. The LP64 ...
Information about the compiler version is encoded in the compiler binary executables and libraries. Information about the parent module, bit mode, the compiler that created the.modfile, the date and time the.modfile was created, and the source file is encoded in each.modfile. ...
Create the build folder and build the project by issuing FPM_FC=gfortran fpm build To ensure that Fpm picks the right compiler, pass your Fortran compiler explicitly via the FPM_FC environment variable. If you compile coarray source, you additionally have to pass the appropriate compiler and ...
Error: When using a compiler or tool from the PVF command line, a message stating 'LICENSE MANAGER PROBLEM: Failed to checkout license' appears. Possible Solution: This message may appear because the PGI License Server has not been started. Start the server manually, if necessary. 8.3. In...