Fortran_C_NETCDF_MPI_tests.tar_fortran c netcdf,fortran_c_netcdf-互联网工具类资源活腻**us 上传9.5 KB 文件格式 tar Fortran测试 C测试 NETCDF测试 MPICH测试 源于官方的测试文档,安装WRF和WPS前环境的测试,测试Fortran、C、NETCDF、MPICH,具体测试办法及步骤可以看本人博文。
Fortran和MPI是科学计算领域常用的编程语言和通信库,用于实现并行计算和数据交换。NetCDF(Network Common Data Form)是一种用于存储科学数据的文件格式,广泛应用于气象、海洋、地球物理等领域。 并行读写是指多个进程同时读写NetCDF文件,以提高数据处理的效率和速度。使用Fortran和MPI语言实现NetCDF文件的并行读写可...
Fortran_C_NETCDF_MPI_tests.tar 评分: 源于官方的测试文档,安装WRF和WPS前环境的测试,测试Fortran、C、NETCDF、MPICH,具体测试办法及步骤可以看本人博文。 Fortran测试 C测试 NETCDF测试 MPICH测试 2019-11-29 上传 大小:9KB 所需: 50积分/C币 立即下载 ...
8. 编译netcdf-fortran,需要netcdf-c ./configure FC=mpif90 --prefix=/home/ydn/opt/software/netcdf-fortran-4.6.0/build LDFLAGS="-L/home/ydn/opt/software/netcdf-c-4.9.0/build/lib" CPPFLAGS="-I/home/ydn/opt/software/netcdf-c-4.9.0/build/include" ...
netCDF-C: 4.6.0 or greater Changes Corrected an issue where netCDF-Fortran would fail to build correctly on some platforms when the underlyinglibnetcdflacked netCDF-4 support. SeeGitHub #200for more information. Corrected an issue where cmake-specific large file tests weren't being captured ...
netcdf-fortran-4.5.3, with netcdf-c-4.8.0 previously installed, on Linux CentOS 7.9, with gcc and gfortran 4.8.5. $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/swinst/netCDF/C/gnu-4.8.5/lib [This is where the netcdf-c-4.8.0 libraries are installed.] $ c...
文件格式设置:use_64bit_nc 指定是否使用新的64位NetCDF格式保存CAM历史文件 地球轨道特征:eccen 、obliqr 、lambm0 、 mvelpp 物理常数:熔化潜热latice、融化温度 tmelt、汽化潜热latvap、干空气气体常数 rair、斯蒂芬-玻尔兹曼常数stebol 和雪当量深度因子 swedp ...
Official GitHub repository for netCDF-Fortran libraries, which depend on the netCDF C library. Install the netCDF C library first. - netcdf-fortran/ at main · Unidata/netcdf-fortran
For NetCDF4 seenc4fortran. h5fortran is designed for "serial" HDF5 read/write. We don't yet implement the interface for "parallel" HDF5. h5fortran is designed for easy use using static or shared linking from your project via: cmake --install ...