如图所示,提示为: Subscript #1 of the array INDEX has value 61 which is greater than the upper bound of 60 比如定义一个数组 real A(3,4),实际赋值时成了A(3,5)或A(4,4),这就造成了数组越界。 数组越界不属于语法错误,只能通过Debug来发现问题所在。
3.4.164 –xprefetch_auto_type=indirect_array_access 为间接访问的数组生成间接预取。 以生成直接内存访问预取的相同方式来生成由选项 -xprefetch_level={1|2|3} 指定的循环的间接预取。可添加前缀 no% 否定声明。 缺省值为 -xprefetch_auto_type=no%indirect_array_access。 要求-xprefetch=auto 以及优化级...
3.4 选项参考 本节说明了所有的f95编译器命令行选项标志,包括各种风险、限制、警告、交互作用、示例和其他详细信息。 除非另行指明,否则每个选项在 SPARC 和 x64/x86 平台上都有效。仅在 SPARC 平台上有效的选项标志标有(SPARC)。仅在 x64/x86 平台上有效的选项标志标有(x86)。 标有(已过时)的选项标志已过时...
After this 4-dimensional array has been allocated, I need to access it from C (actually, C++). What is the best way to do this, preferably without parsing the array descriptors? I'd like to be able to access either individual elements (e g, scans(1,2,3,4)), and vectors...
(array_in(i,j),kind=c_double_complex) end do end do call fftw_mpi_execute_dft(plan,in_c,out_c) do i=1,local_ni do j=1,n1 array_out(i,j)=cmplx(out_c(i,j)) end do end do end subroutine cal_fftw_mpi end module fftw_mpi_m !=== program main use mpi use my_func use ...
In Fortran, I have MODULE ScanData USE, INTRINSIC :: ISO_C_BINDING REAL(8), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :, :, :: scans After this 4-dimensional array
Towards #5516 Tries to make assignment with Array Item as Array reference. MRE program array_indices_array_item_assignment integer :: A(3) = [1,2,3] integer :: X(2) = [1,2] integer :: Y = 2 A(X) =...
or corner. The Jacobi method consists of approximating the square plate with a two-dimensional grid of points where a two-dimensional array is used to store the temperature at each of these points. Each iteration updates the elements of the array from the values computed at the previous step....
Indexing array elements outside known bounds Modifying the value of loop iteration variables Invalid memory states for pointers and allocatables Recursive calls to subroutines/functions that are not marked as recursive Generation of temporary arrays for the purposes of passing between subprograms This feat...