处理系统:Windows10/11 64位 最低系统要求 显卡:PC端Intel HD 4000、AMD Radeon Vega 8处理器:酷睿i3-3225 3.3 GHz内存:8 GB RAM操作系统:Windows 10 64-bit 1703版 Epic 质量预设规格 显卡: Nvidia RTX 3070、AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT 或同性能的 GPU显存: 8 GB VRAM 及以上 处理器: Intel Core i7-...
windows11 能不能跑fortnite?这问题问得,就像问“悍马能跑高速吗?” 答案是:能,但得看情况。 说能,是因为Windows11 本身是支持 DirectX 12 的,而 Fortnite 恰恰需要这个。 你的电脑配置达标,那运行起来没问题,甚至能开高特效。 但说“能”太绝对了,很多问题隐藏在“配置达标”这四个字里。 不少人觉得系统...
Windows 11: 单击开始。 打开设置 应用。 在左侧菜单中选择隐私与安全。 在应用权限中搜索麦克风。 确保Fortnite 选项已启用。 Windows 10: 单击开始。 打开设置 应用。 选择隐私选项 选择Fortnite 应用。 确保麦克风权限已启用。 若想了解更多关于应用权限的详情,请参阅这篇微软支持指南:...
有三维分辨率设置,这基本上是一个内部分辨率定标器。让我们深入了解游戏的文件,详细了解它的作用。2 配置文件fortnite的配置文件位于用户文件夹中,然后是appdatalocalfortnitegamesavedconfigwindowsclient。相关文件称为gameusersettings.ini。3 由于AppData是一个隐藏文件夹,可能需要在文件选项中启用隐藏文件夹才能访问...
OS:Windows 7/8/10/11 64-bit Can you run it? Test your computer againstFortnite system requirements. Can I Run It? Test Your PC AutomaticallyCan I Run It? Enter your system details Can I Run Fortnite? To run the Fortnite system requirements, you will need an AMD Radeon Vega 8 graphi...
In Windows 11, 10, 8.1, or 8: Press the Window Key Type: Event Viewer Select View Event Logs Select the type of logs that you must export: Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, or 7: Save the log: Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, or 7: Action - > Save All Events As…....
OS: Windows 10 64-bit Processor: Core i5 2.8 GHz Memory: 8GB RAM Graphics: Nvidia GTX 660 or AMD Radeon HD 7870 equivalent DX11 GPU Getting Started with Fortnite on PC Once you’ve installed Fortnite, here’s how to jump into your first game: ...
Support Windows 11/10/8/7 Method 2. How to Move Epic Games to Another Drive or PC Manually If you don't want to use a third-party tool to change Fortnite install location, the following two manual methods also can be used to copy Fortnite to another place. However, the first one ...
My issue is PC freeze during gameplay in Fortnite using DX12. Several test executed. 1) test RAM with Windows 11 embedded tool - PASS 2) fresh total reinstall of Windows 11/Intel ARC Drivers/Fortnite 3) check every single drivers is the latest 4) Windows is constantly updated Fortnit...
Fortnite PC/Mac Fortnite for Windows PC and Mac was released Jun 25, 2017. You can download the game at Epic Games store for free (all links below), but you need to have a good PC. The minimum system requirements: Windows 7-10 64-bit r Mac OSX Sierra (10.12.6+); Core i3; Int...