Before getting into these tasks and rewards, some words on exactly how to startFortnite's Discord quests might be helpful. Upon navigating to the aforementioned Discord server, players should click on Complete at the bottom, read the rules that pop up, check the box that confirms agreement wit...
To complete one of the above activities for the Coruscant's Pride Wrap, you may need to enable "In-game rewards (aka Drops)" in the Privacy & Safety section of Discord's User Settings. Please note that the Coruscant’s Pride Wrap is not exclusive to Find the Force, and may be...
Fortnitehas launched a new set of quests that can only be completed in Discord. Though the rewwards for completing the Fortnite Paradise Discord quest aren’t as cool asthe best Fortnite Halloween skins, they are pretty sweet and worth getting. Here is how to complete the Discord...
@RETRO_JIf you ever fancy playing together let me know. We also have plans for a regular FORTNITE games night over on the Adult Switch Gamers thread on NL Forum. Plus, we have a Discord server set-up which we are just starting to all join up to and chat. We've got World Cup scor...
There are always plenty of new challenges and rewards with the introduction of each new Battle Pass, and Season 3 is no different. With the addition of Deadpool in Season 2, there's another DC hero players can team up with: Aquaman. As you complete missions, you'll earn rewards such ...