Ranks are based on the results of competitive events played in 2024 only. The roster is composed of the top four players who gained the most PR Points while in the organization. * Player is no longer on the team RankOrganizationRosterPR PointsEarnings ...
Find out how you rank against the world in terms of Score, Wins, Win%, KDR, and Kills. But that’s not all! You can also filter the rankings by game mode and by platform, allowing you to see how you stand against the best on Xbox, PS4, or PC, or maybe all three if you’re...
How to rank up fast in Fortnite? The most legit metric to rank up fast is to rack up your eSports wins. This can be done either as a solo player or as a clan. If you consistently rank among the top in any Fortnite leaderboard, then you will surely get noticed and get your due ...