Xbox端Fortnite“跨平台游戏已禁用”错误 在使用Xbox启动Fortnite时,可能会遇到“跨平台游戏已禁用”的错误。以下是一些针对该错误的基本故障排除步骤。 请确认Xbox上的Fortnite跨平台游戏功能已开启(注意:如果已开启,可以先关闭再重新开启) 操作步骤请参考文章:《如何在Fortnite...
epic登录黑屏是登录错误造成的,解决方法为1首先我们右击epic,选择属性2然后点击兼容性,如下图所示3接着选择以兼容模式运行4接下来需要再点击dpi,如下图所示5最后勾上全部的,点击确定即可,如下图。Epic登录不上是因为没有连接加速器Epic商店没有中国区,所以需要连加速器才能够打开,可以网络上搜索相 1. 若双重验证...
点击添加。 从应用文件夹中选择Epic Games启动程序,然后点击添加。 请务必将应用旁边的选项设为允许传入连接。 点击确定。
Check our help page for step-by-step instructions on how to change your DNS. Having Problems with Accessing Submit a comment using your Facebook ID. Is down for you right now? Submit your comments about service status or...
The DMA has been very disruptive to the iOS walled garden and not just to Epic Games. It appears that Apple Intelligence may end up being stunted in the EU. Currently there is no planned release date for Apple Intelligence in the EU. The day it releases it will likely be a US-only ...
Create and play with friends for free in Fortnite. Explore games, concerts, live events and more, or be the last player standing in Battle Royale and Zero Build.
需要Fortnite 或 Epic Games 帐户的相关帮助?请咨询我们的用户支持中心,或直接点击联系我们。 家长控制 Fortnite 提供一系列家长控制功能,帮助你控制玩家在游戏中的可见内容及可做事项。了解如何设置这些控制功能。 账户安全与隐私 有了安全的帐户,你可以最大限度地降低被他人盗付、不当游戏行为以及/或者更糟糕行为的...
you should keep this in mind—Fortnite for Android smartphones is not available yet and, is still under development. In March when Epic Games released Fortnite game for iOS, the company also announced that the world's most famous battle royale game with more than 125 million players is also...
Fortnitecontains content that is unrated and may not be appropriate for all ages. To continue, please provide your date of birth View ourprivacy policy MM DD YYYY Back to StoreContinue 4.3 Competitive Community Quickly Understand the Controls ...