hiding in every copse of trees and burrowed underground, disguised as a cute little plant and lurking in every cave. when the sun goes down and the moon comes up, the temperature drops and you get cold enough to make it hurt. skeletons rise from the ground, and your very presence annoys...
Disabled mouse acceleration (from mouse settings & in registry) and set the cursor on speed 6. I play fortnite on DirectX 11, because DirectX 12 brings more frequent and irritating FPS Drops (never understood why). Questions: - Could the fact that many online players are located in the sam...
Due to the Mouse Acceleration, the faster you move your mouse, the longer the distance the cursor travels. Or in other words, if you move your mouse for 5 centimeters in 0.2 seconds, the cursor will cover more distance compared to moving the mouse for the same distance in a time duration...
When the sun goes down and the moon comes up, the temperature drops and you get cold enough to make it hurt. Skeletons rise from the ground, and your very presence annoys them enough to attack you on sight. There’s nothing humorous about them! You’ll need to gather wood and refine ...